5 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Fake Customer Care Scams

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"Attention, valued customer, your credit card is at risk of being blocked unless you provide the last 4 digits of your card number immediately!" Such alarming calls are all too common, exploiting urgency and fear to manipulate unsuspecting victims.

Each day, we receive a plethora of customer care calls with claims of lottery wins, retail discounts, and urgent banking matters. However, a significant portion of these calls are not what they seem, they are fake customer care scam calls. 

A fake customer care scam occurs when individuals receive calls from seemingly legitimate helpline numbers that are, in fact, fronts for scammers. These impostors impersonate representatives from reputable brands or services, creating convincing scenarios designed to dupe unsuspecting victims into taking urgent and ill-advised actions. 

The real challenge lies in distinguishing between a genuine customer care call and a fake customer care scam call.

Fake Customer Care Scams via UPI Platforms

Scams via UPI Platforms

The Unified Payment Interface (UPI) has revolutionised our payment habits, allowing us to confidently go cashless as nearly every establishment now supports UPI transactions. However, this widespread adoption has also attracted scammers, leading to a surge in fake customer care scams.

UPI enables instant fund transfers, a feature that scammers take advantage of to execute their fake customer care scams. Unlike traditional bank transfers that might take time to reflect, UPI transactions happen in seconds, making it easier for fraudsters to extract money from victims. According to government data, over 95,000 UPI fraud cases have been reported in India, highlighting the growing risks of fake customer care scams.

Fake customer care scams via UPI are rapidly increasing, with the number of fraud cases doubling each year. Recognising the signs of a fake customer care scam and understanding how scammers operate can help you safeguard your financial transactions and personal information.

5 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Fake Customer Care Scams

Practice CautionPractice Caution

Fraudsters often disguise themselves as family members, friends, or known contacts to gain your trust. Always listen carefully and verify the phone number before transferring money to any unknown link. This vigilance can help you avoid falling victim to a fake customer care scam.

Do Not Engage with Unknown Links

If you receive a payment request on your UPI app from an unknown account, always decline it. Engaging with unknown links is a common tactic used in fake customer care scams to extract money from unsuspecting users.

Never Reveal Your PIN to StrangersDo Not Engage with Unknown Links

Scammers might create a sense of urgency, pretending to help you through a difficult situation, and then ask for your PIN. Remember, never share your PIN with anyone, as it is the key to finalising any transaction. Revealing it can easily lead to a fake customer care scam.

Avoid Downloading Unverified Apps

Many fraudulent apps mimic the appearance of legitimate banking apps to deceive users. These counterfeit apps can be downloaded and installed  easily, leading to the theft of sensitive data. Always verify the authenticity of  an app before downloading it to protect yourself from fake customer care scams.

Enable and Monitor Notifications

Keep push notifications and transaction alerts enabled on your UPI apps. Regular updates to your UPI apps ensure you are protected with the latest security measures. Monitoring your notifications helps you stay informed about every transaction, which is crucial in defending against a fake customer care scam.