Top 10 Emerging Cybersecurity Threats in 2024: Insights from the Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence (CCoE)

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Cybercriminals are regularly evolving their tactics, which makes change the only constant in cybersecurity in today's era. Hence, staying ahead of the latest trends remains a matter of staying informed and is also a necessity for survival.

As we progress into 2024, the cybersecurity landscape will continue to evolve at an unprecedented pace. The landscape of 2024 is characterised by a blend of technologically advanced threats and increasingly sophisticated tactics employed by cybercriminals. In this blog, we will delve deeper into the top 10 emerging cybersecurity threats in 2024.

Top 10 Emerging Cybersecurity Threats in 2024

1) Advanced Phishing Tactics - Phishing tactics have evolved beyond simple deceptive emails to more sophisticated methods such as spear phishing, targeting specific individuals and whaling, focusing on high-level executives. We, at CCoE, emphasise the importance of awareness and training in preventing phishing attacks. This includes educating individuals and organisations about the latest phishing tactics. We conduct workshops and training sessions focused on cybersecurity awareness, specifically addressing phishing threats.

AI powered cyberattacks12) AI-Powered Cyber Attacks - AI is being utilised by cybercriminals to automate attack processes, create more sophisticated malware and conduct predictive analytics to identify potential vulnerabilities. To counteract AI threats, organisations need to employ AI-based security solutions themselves, engage in continuous monitoring, and maintain up-to-date security protocols.

3) Ransomware Innovations - Ransomware attacks are becoming more targeted today, with attackers focusing on critical infrastructure and demanding higher ransoms. Additionally, there is a rise in “Ransomware as a Service” (RaaS), making these attacks more accessible to less skilled cyber criminals.

4) IoT Vulnerabilities - The exponential growth in IoT devices has led to increased vulnerabilities, as many of these devices lack robust security features. This leads to increased attack surface, lack of standardisation and complex ecosystems.

Supply chain attacks15) Supply Chain Attacks - Supply chain attacks occur when a hacker infiltrates your system through an outside partner or provider with access to your systems and data. This type of attack can disrupt the whole supply chain process. including the logistics. Regular security assessments of third-party vendors, implementing strict access controls and continuous monitoring are crucial to secure supply chains.

6) Deepfakes and Information Warfare - Originally developed for entertainment and media, deepfakes are now being exploited for malicious purposes, including identity theft, disinformation campaigns, and social engineering attacks. Their increasing accessibility and sophistication make them a potent tool for cybercriminals and state actors looking to cause disruption or spread false narratives.

Cloud Security Challenges17) Cloud Security Challenges - The rapid adoption of cloud computing offers scalability, flexibility and cost-efficiency. However, this shift has also introduced a host of new security challenges including, data breaches & data loss, misconfiguration & inadequate change control, insider threats, insecure interfaces & APIs, etc.

8) State-Sponsored Cyber Attacks - More countries are launching cyber attacks, and it's concerning for global cyber warfare. Countries are using computers to influence and disrupt their enemies. To counteract this, nations and organisations must bolster their cyber defences through enhanced security protocols, intelligence sharing and comprehensive cybersecurity strategies.

9) Mobile Device Vulnerabilities - Cybercriminals are continuously developing sophisticated methods to exploit vulnerabilities in smartphones and tablets, ranging from advanced malware and app-based threats to network-based attacks and exploitation of operating system weaknesses. To counter these threats, adhering to best practices for mobile security is paramount which includes, implementing strong security protocols for mobile devices, using secure connections and regularly updating your device software.

Quantum cryptography110) Quantum Computing and Cryptography - Quantum computing, with its ability to perform complex calculations at unprecedented speeds, poses a significant threat to current encryption methods. The advent of quantum computing brings a paradigm shift, rendering many of the existing cryptographic protocols vulnerable and easily breakable. As quantum computing advances, the need to develop and implement quantum-resistant cryptographic measures becomes necessary to secure data against the future landscape of cyber threats.


Mitigation Strategies and CCoE’s Role

In cybersecurity mitigation strategies, a holistic approach is imperative to combat the top 10 emerging cybersecurity threats in 2024. This approach encompasses continuous monitoring, robust access controls, employee education, encryption and well-defined incident response plans. At CCoE, we collaborate with industry and academia to create awareness of cybersecurity through our training sessions and workshops.

The Future of Cybersecurity with CCoE

Future of cybersecurity with CCoE1At CCoE, we're not just keeping pace with the rapidly changing world of cybersecurity; we're leading the charge. Our focus is on the challenges of today and the looming threats of tomorrow, like quantum computing and AI-driven attacks. 

We understand that the strength of cybersecurity lies in unity. That's why fostering strong collaborations between industry, academia, and government is at the heart of what we do. Together, we're responding to changes and shaping the future of cybersecurity along the way.



The risks posed by cyber threats are far-reaching, affecting not only personal privacy but also national security and the integrity of businesses. Cybersecurity must remain a top priority in this digital age. Constant awareness and readiness are also essential to mitigate these evolving risks effectively.

To navigate this complex cybersecurity landscape and fortify defences against the 10 emerging cybersecurity threats in 2024, we encourage entrepreneurs and organisations to come forward, and raise awareness to combat these threats. We at CCoE make a constant effort to initiate workshops, initiatives, training sessions, etc to ensure everyone is well-equipped to face cyber challenges. Together, we can ensure a safer digital world for all & combat the 10 emerging cybersecurity threats in 2024.